Results of section Imaging & BioInformatics and Collaborators.
This section provides results from various projects that have been completed in our research group or in collaboration with our research group.
In all cases our software and/or microscope setup were used to obtain the results presented.
Most of the resutls presented are part of publications and the references to those publications are given. We have organised it as highlights per year.
A method study for 3D reconstruction from axial views.
A study of Colored Petri Net Modelling including 3D Visualization the bacterial Infection Process
Carvalho et al., 2015.
A study using Colored Petri Nets to model the infection of M. marinum in zebrasfish.
Carvalho et al., 2012.
A study using image analsyis to establish the load of bacterial infection in zebrasfish larvae.
Stoop et al., 2011.
A study using 3D reconstruction and visualization to illustrate the complex heart development in reptilians. The galleries contain lots of additional material to the original paper.
Bertens, Richarson & Verbeek, 2010
A study after the outgrowth of new dendrites in the hippocampus in the Mouse model.
van Hooijdonk et al, 2009