Lentivirus-mediated transgene delivery to the hippocampus reveals sub-field specific differences in expression.
Collaboration with dept. Medical Pharmacology, Leiden University
van Hooijdonk, L.W.A., Ichwan, M., Dijkmans,T.F., Schouten, T.G., Verbeek F.J., Vreugdenhil, E., Fitzsimons C.P.(2009)
Lentivirus-mediated transgene delivery to the hippocampus reveals sub-field specific differences in expression.
BMC Neuroscience 10:2
This page provides extra images on the paper of Hooijdonk et al. 2009. which was done at the dept. of medical pharmacology of the LACDR, Leiden university. Part of the imaging and image processing was realized in collaboration with the section Imaging & BioInformatics of LIACS. In this project 3D computer models were constructed from 3D confocal images.
In the additional data we show two examples of Three dimensional reconstructions of newborn granule neurons from adult mice hippocampi. Three-dimensional reconstructions of dendritic arbors and spine density analysis were performed with TDR3D software package.
Images and Animations