Imaging & BioInformatics


A method for 3D reconstruction from axial views

Guo Y., Zhang Y., Verbeek F.J. (2017)
A two-phase 3D reconstruction approach for light microscopy axial-view imaging.
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing, Vol 11, 7, pp 1034-1046

We have modelled 3 stages of zebrafish larvae form axial views generated with our VAST-BioImager. The process of production of the 3D models for this paper is visualized in the footage below.

The movie passes through all processing steps from the acquisition, explaining the VAST-Imaging, to the processing of the images acquired with the VAST setup and finally how this results in an accurate 3D reconstruction. We have used 21 axial images as empirically we have established that this number of axial views is sufficient for an accurate 3D reconstruction.

Contact Yuanhao Guo or Fons Verbeek for information.

Imaging & BioInformatics, 2016/2025 fjv