Chen Li, C., Polling M.,Cao L., Gravendeel B., Verbeek FJ. (2022)
Analysis of Automatic Image Classification Methods for Urticaceae Pollen Classification.
Necurocomputing (accepted Nov. 2022)
Kurchaba S., van Vliet J., Verbeek FJ., Meulman JJ., Veenman CJ.(2022)
Supervised segmentation of NO2 plumes from individual ships using TROPOMI satellite data.
Remote Sensing (accepted Nov. 2022).
Javanmardi, S., Latif, AF.,Sadeghi, MT., Jahanbanifard, M., Bonsangue, M., Verbeek, FJ.(2022)
Caps Captioning: A Modern Image Captioning Approach Based on Improved Capsule Network.
Sensors 2022, 22(21), 8376; https://doi.org/10.3390/s22218...
Wang, X., Du, Y., Verberne S., Verbeek, FJ. (2022)
Improving Weakly Supervised Phrase Grounding via Visual Representation Contextualization with Contrastive Learning.
Applied Intelligence (Accepted October 2022, In press)
Cao, L., Schoenmaker, L., Schwach, V, Ten Den. SA.,Passier, R., Verbeek, FJ.(2022)
Automated sarcomere structure analysis for studying cardiotoxicity in human pluripotent stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes.
Microscopy and Microanalysis (Accepted October 2022)
Wang, X., Du, Y., Verberne S., Verbeek, FJ. (2022)
Fine-Grained Label Learning in Object Detection with Weak Supervision of Captions.
Mutimedia Tools and Applications (Accepted july 2022)
Brinkmann, G.G., Rietveld, K.F.D., Verbeek F.J., Takes, F.W. (2022)
Real-Time Interactive Visualization of Large Networks on a Tiled Display System.
Displays, Volume 73, 2022, 102164, ISSN0141-9382,https://doi.org/10.1016/j.disp....
Duan, F., Rietveld, K.F.D., Lamers, G.E.M., Verbeek,F.J.(2022)
Real-Time Interactive Visualization of 3D Models from Bioimaging in a Holographic Pyramid.
Proceedings 4th International Conference on Advances in Computer Vision, Image and Virtualization (CVIV 2022)
Suzhou China, 2022 (Accepted)
Xue Wang (2022)
Multi Modal Representation Learning and Cross-Modal Semantic Matching.
PhD Thesis, Leiden University (June 2022)
Antonios Somarakis (2022)
Visual Analytics for Spatially Resolved Omics Data at Single Cell Resolution: Methods & Applications.
PhD Thesis, Leiden University (January 2022)