Tang, X., Spaink, HAJ, van
WIjk, RC., Verbeek,
Segmentation-driven Optimization for Iterative Reconstruction in
Optical Projection Tomography: An Exploration.
IEEE Transactions on Computational Imaging (Accepted October 2020)
Cao, L., van der Meer, A.,
Passier, R., Verbeek,
High Throughput Image Analysis for Cardiotoxicity Study using Human
Pluripotent Stem Cell-Derived Cardiomyocytes.
Cell Immunology Journal (Accepted September 2020)
Jahanbanifard, M., Beckers,
V., Koch, G., Beeckman,
H., Gravendeel, B., Verbeek, FJ, Baas, P., Priester, C., Lens F.,(2020)
Description of wood anatomical characters of Diospyros and its close
relatives (Ebenaceae).
IAWA Journal 2020, pp 1-43.
Zammit, A., Helwerda, L.S,
Oltshoorn, R., Verbeek,
F.J., Gultyaev A.P. (2020)
A database of flavivirus RNA structures with a search algorithm for
pseudoknots and triple base interactions.
BioInformatics, 1-7, 2020,
van Wijk, R.C., Hu, W.,
Dijkema S.H., van den Berg,
DJ., Liu, J., Bahi, R., Verbeek, F.J., Simonsson, U.S.H., Spaink H.P.,
van der Graaf, P.H., Krekels E.H.J.(2020)
Anti-tuberculosis effect of isoniazid scales accurately from zebrafish
to humans.
British Journal of Pharmacology (2020), Accepted.
Verbeek. FJ, Cao, L.(2020)
L-systems from 3D-imaging of phenotypes of arborized structures.
Fundamenta Informaticae 175 (2020) pp 327–345,
Duan, F., Rietveld, KFD,
Verbeek, FJ. (2020)
Interactive visualization of complex three-dimensional models: case
study in zebrafish.
Proceedings IHCI 2020. Accepted.
Duan, F., Lamers, GEM,
Rietveld, KFD, Verbeek, FJ.
Interactive visualization of 3D biological model in holographic pyramid.
Proceedings ESCS 2020.
Lens, F., Liang, C., Guo,
Y., Tang, X.,
Jahanbanifard, M., Correa da Silva Soares, F., Ceccantini, G., Verbeek,
F.J. (2020)
Computer assisted timber identification based on features extracted
from microscopic wood sections.
IAWA Journal (July 2020), DOI 10.1163-22941932-bja10029
Martorelli, I., Helwerda
L.S., Kerkvliet, J., Gomes,
S.I.F., Nuytinck, J., van der Werff, C.R.A., Ramackers, G.J., Gultyaev, A.P., Merckx, V.S.F.T., Verbeek F.J. (2020)
Fungal meta-barcoding data integration framework for the MycoDiversity
DataBase (MDDB)
Journal of Integrative BioInformatics (2020) Vol 17,#1, pp 1-26. DOI
Beljaards L., Elmahdym, M.,
Verbeek., F.J., Staring,
M. (2020)
A Cross-Stitch Architecture for Joint Registration and Segmentation in
Adaptive Radiotherapy.
Proceedings Medical Imaging and Deep Learning (MIDL 2020),
Proceedings Marchine Learning Research; PMLR 121:62-74
Guo, Y., Verbeek, F.J.,
Yang, G. (2020)
Probabilistic Inference for Camera Calibration in Light Microscopy
under Circular Motion.
Proceedings International Symposium on BioMedical Imaging (ISBI),
Iowa Arpil 2020, IEEE Proc. DOI 10.1109/ISBI45749.2020.9098432
Cao, L., van der Meer, A.,
Verbeek, F.J., Passier,
R. (2020)
Automated image analysis system for studying cardiotoxicity in human
pluripotent stem cell-Derived cardiomyocytes.
BMC BioInformatics 2020; Vol 21, Art# 187.
Xiaoqin Tang (2020)
Computational Optimization of Optical Projection Tomography for 3D
Image Analysis.
PhD Thesis, Leiden University (June 2020)