Imaging & BioInformatics


Helwerda, L., Niessink, F., Verbeek, FJ. (2017)
Conceptual process models and quantitative analysis of classification problems in Scrum software development practices.
In: Proc. 9th Int. Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (IC3K KDIR), Madeira

Guo Y., van Wijk R.C., Krekels E.H.J., Spaink, H.P., van der Graaf P.H., Verbeek F.J. (2017)
Multi-modal 3D reconstruction and measurements of zebrafish larvae and its organs using axial-view microscopy.
In: Proc. IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), 2017 pp.

Guo Y., Zhang Y., Verbeek F.J. (2017)
A two-phase 3D reconstruction approach for light microscopy axial-view imaging.
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing, Vol 11, 7, pp 1034-1046

Guo, Y. Veneman, W., Spaink, H.P., Verbeek. F.J. (2017)
3D reconstruction and measurements of zebrafish larvae from High-throughput axial-view in vivo imaging
BioMedical Optics Express 8(5): 2611-2634

Tang, X., van der Zwaan, D.M., Zammit, A., Rietveld, K.D.F., Verbeek, F.J. (2017)
Fast Post-Processing Pipeline for Optical Projection Tomography.
IEEE Trans. Nanobioscience, vol. 16, no. 5, pp. 367-374

Alkemade, R., Verbeek, F.J., Lukosch S. (2017)
On the efficiency of a VR hand gesture based interface for 3D object manipulations in conceptual design
International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction. DOI 10.1080/10447318.2017.1296974

Fuyu Cai (2017)
Fuzzy Systems and Unsupervised Computing. Exploration of Applications in Biology
PhD Thesis, Leiden University (December 2017)

Yuanhao Guo (2017)
Shape Analysis For Phenotype Characterisation from High-Throughput Imaging.
PhD Thesis, Leiden University (October 2017)