Bertens, L.M.F, Kleijn, J., Hille, S.C., Heiner, M.,
Koutny, M., Verbeek, F.J. (2015)
Modeling biological gradient formation: combining partial differential
equations and Petri nets.
Natural Computing pp 1-11, DOI 10.1007/s11047-015-9531-4
Guo, Y, Veneman W., Spaink, H.P., Verbeek F.J. (2015)
Silhouette-based 3D Model for Zebrafish High-throughput Imaging.
In Proceedings Int. Conf. Image Processing Theory, Tools and
Applications (eds.),
November 2015 Orleans, France. pp 403-408
Tleis, M., Verbeek, F.J. (2015)
Contour Expansion Algorithm Preprocessed by Hough Transform and
Circular Shortest Path for Ovoid Objects.
In Proceedings Int. Conf. Image Processing Theory, Tools and
Applications (eds.),
November 2015 Orleans, France. (In Press)
Cai, F., Verbeek, F.J. (2015)
Dam-based Rolling Ball with Fuzzy-Rough Constraints, a New Background
Subtraction Algorithm for Image Analysis in Microscopy.
In Proceedings Int. Conf. Image Processing Theory, Tools and
Applications (eds.),
November 2015 Orleans, France. (In Press)
Tleis, M., Verbeek, F.J. (2015)
Machine Learning approach to discriminate Saccharomyces cerevisiae
yeast cells using sophisticated image features.
Journal of integrative bioinformatics 12(3), 276(2015)
Tleis, M., Verbeek, F.J. (2015)
Machine Learning approach to segment Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast
In Proceedings Int. Conf. on Advances in BioMedical Engineering 2015
(ICABME 2015),
September 2015 Beirut, Lebanon. (In Press)
Carvalho R.V.,van den Heuvel J., Kleijn H.M.,
Verbeek F.J.(2015)
Coupling of Petri Net Models of the Mycobacterial Infection Process and
Innate Immune Response.
Computation 2015, 3(2), 150-176; doi:10.3390/computation3020150
Coelho Camargo J., Verbeek FJ. (2015)
Pointing task evaluation of gestural interface interaction in 3D
IADIS International Journal on WWW/Internet, Vol. 12, No.1, pp 113-130.
Enrique Larios Vargas
Design and development of a comprehensive data management platform for
Cytomics, CytomicsDB.
PhD Thesis, Leiden University (November 2015)
Raphael Viana de Carvalho
Computational Modeling of Mycobacterium Infection and Innate Immune
Response in Zebrafish.
PhD Thesis, Leiden University (October 2015).