Imaging & BioInformatics


Di, Z., Herpers, B., Fredriksson, L., Yan, K., van de Water, B., Verbeek F.J., Meerman, J. (2012)
Automated analysis of NF-B nuclear translocation kinetics in high-throughput screening
Plos ONE Vol 7, #12

Carvalho R., Kleijn H., Meijer, A.H., Verbeek F.J (2012)
Modeling Innate Immune Response to early Mycobacterium Infection
Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine.
Volume 2012 (2012), Article ID 790482, 12 pages

Yan K., Verbeek F.J. (2012)
Segmentation for High-Throughput Image Analysis: Watershed Masked Clustering
In: ISoLA 2012, Part II, LNCS 7610 (T. Margaria, B. Steffen, and M. Merten (Eds.)),
Springer Berlin-Heidelberg 2012, pp. 25-41

Nezhinsky A.E., Verbeek F.J. (2012)
Efficient and Robust Shape Retrieval from Deformable Templates
In: ISoLA 2012, Part II, LNCS 7610 (T. Margaria, B. Steffen, and M. Merten (Eds.)),
Springer Berlin-Heidelberg 2012, pp. 42-55

Sanchez-Faddeev H., Emmerich M.T.M., Verbeek F.J., Henry A.H., Grimshaw S., Spaink H.P., van Vlijmen H.W., Bender A. (2012)
Using Multiobjective Optimization and Energy Minimization to Design an Isoform-Selective Ligand of the 14-3-3 Protein
In: ISoLA 2012, Part II, LNCS 7610 (T. Margaria, B. Steffen, and M. Merten (Eds.)),
Springer Berlin-Heidelberg 2012, pp. 12-24

de Bono, B., Kasteleyn, P., Potikanond, D., Kokash, N., Verbeek, F.J., and Grenon, P (2012)
Tissue Motifs and Multi-scale Transport Physiology
Proceedings OBML Workshop, Dresden September 27-28, 2012. (In Press)

Fitzsimons,C.P.,van Hooijdonk,L.W.A., Schouten,M., Zalachoras,I., Brinks,V., Zheng,T., Schouten,T.G., Saaltink,D.J., Dijkmans,T., Steindler,D.A., Verhaagen,J., Verbeek,F.J., Lucassen,P.J., de Kloet,E.R., Meijer,O.C., Karst,H., Joels,M., Oitzl,M.S., & Vreugdenhil,E. (2012)
Knockdown of the Glucocorticoid Receptor Alters Functional Integration of Newborn Neurons in the Adult Hippocampus and Impairs Fear-motivated Behavior
J. Molecular Psychiatry (Accepted)

Kallergi A., Verbeek F.J.(2012)
Storytelling as Playful Exploration of Biological Image Data: Reviewing a Candidate Interaction Paradigm.
Proceedings of the IADIS Int. Conf. Interfaces and Human Computer Interaction 2012 (In Press)
Lisbon, Portugal, July 2012.

Nezhinsky A.E., Stoop E., Vasylevska A.A., van der Sar A., Verbeek F.J.(2012)
Spatial Analysis of Bacterial Infection Patterns in Zebrafish
In: Proceedings 21th Annual Belgian-Dutch Conference on Machine Learning (In Press)
May 2012, Gent, Belgium

LeDévédec S.E., Geverts B., de Bont H., Yan K., Verbeek F.J., Houtsmuller A.B., van de Water B. (2012)
The Residence Time of Focal Adhesion Kinase (FAK) and Paxillin at Focal Adhesions in Renal Epithelial Cells is Determined by Adhesion Size, Strength and Life Cycle Status
Journal of Cell Science (In Press)

Larios E., Zhang Y., Yan K., Z. Di, LeDévédec S., Groffen F.,Verbeek F.J. (2012)
Automation in Cytomics: A Modern RDBMS Based Platform for Image Analysis and Management in High-Throughput Screening Experiments.
In: Proceedings of 1st Int. Conf. on Health Information Science(Eds. Jing He, Xiaohui Liu, Elizabeth A. Krupinski, Guandong Xu ). Beijing, China April 2012. Springer (Heidelberg-Berlin), LNCS Vol. 7231, 76-87

Nezhinsky, AE., Stoop, E., van der Sar A., Verbeek FJ. (2012)
Numerical Analysis of Image Based High-Througput Zebrafish Infection Screens: Matching Meaning with Data
In: BIOINFORMATICS 2012 (Eds. Jan Schier, Carlos Correia, Ana Fred and Hugo Gamboa),Proceedings of the Int. Conf. on Bioinformatics Models, Methods and Algorithms Vilamoura, Algarve, Portugal, 1 - 4 February, 2012
ISBN: 978-989-8425-90-4. 257 - 262

Cao, L., Verbeek FJ. (2012)
Evaluation of surface reconstruction from point clouds by shape parameters.
In: 3D Image Processing (3DIP) and Applications 2012 (Eds. A.M. Baskurt, R.Sitnik)
Proceedings SPIE Vol. 8290,(SPIE Bellingham, WA, 2012). 82900G

Potikanond, D., Verbeek, FJ.(2012)
Visualization and analysis of 3D gene expression patterns in zebrafish using web services
In: Visualization and Data Analysis 2012 (Eds.Pak Chung Wong, David L. Kao, Ming C. Hao, Chaomei Chen, Robert Kosara, Mark A. Livingston, Jinah Park, Ian Roberts), Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 8294 (SPIE, Bellingham, WA, 2012) 829412.

Laura M.F. Bertens
Computerised Modelling for Developmental Biology - An exploration with case studies.
PhD Thesis, Leiden University. (September 2012)

Amalia Kallergi
Connecting the Dots, Playful Interactions with Scientic Image Data in Repositories
PhD Thesis, Leiden University. (December 2012)