Bei, Y., Dmitrieva, J., Belmamoune, M., Verbeek,
F.J. (2007)
Ontology Driven Image Search Engine.
Proc. SPIE Vol. 6506, MultiMedia Content Access: Algorithms &
Systems (Eds Hanjalic, A., Schettini, R., Sebe, N.), 65060G-1,65060G-10
van der Putten, P., Bertens, L.F.M., Liu, J., Hagen,
F., Boekhout T., Verbeek F.J. (2007)
Classification of Yeast Cells from Image Features to Evaluate Pathogen
Proc. SPIE Vol. 6506, MultiMedia Content Access: Algorithms &
Systems, Vol. 6506 (Eds Hanjalic, A., Schettini, R., Sebe, N.),
Kabli, S., Spaink, H.P., de Groot, H.J.M., Verbeek,
F.J., Alia, A. (2007)
In Vivo magnetic resonance microimaging in adult zebrafish.
Proceedings International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine
2007; 15: 1347.
Broekens, J., Kosters, W., Verbeek, F.J. (2007)
On Affect and Self-Adaptation: Potential Benefits of Valence-Controlled
Proceedings of the 2nd. International Work-Conference on the Interplay
between Natural and Artificial Computation (IWINAC 2007, Murcia, Spain)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, LNCS 4527 (pp. 357-366)
Dmitrieva, J., Bei, Y., Verbeek, F.J. (2007)
Ontological Context Visualization. Proceedings OWLED2007.
Belmamoune, M., & Verbeek, F.J. (2007)
Developmental Anatomy Ontology of Zebrafish: an Integrative semantic
Journal of Integrative Bioinformatics 4(3), 2007.
Broekens, J., Kosters, W., Verbeek, F.J. (2007)
Affect, Anticipation, and Adaptation: Affect-Controlled Selection of
Anticipatory Simulation in Artificial Adaptive Agents.
Adaptive Behavior, 15(4), 397-422
Zhang, Yanju, Woltering, J.M., Verbeek F.J. (2007)
Screen of MicroRNA Targets in Zebrafish Using Heterogeneous Data
A Case Study for Dre-miR-10 and Dre-miR-196
Proceedings WASET VOLUME 26 DECEMBER 2007 , Bangkok 2007,258-265.
Monique CM Welten
Spatio-temporal gene expression analysis from 3D in situ hybridisation
PhD Thesis, Leiden University, October 2007
Joost D Broekens
Affect and Learning: A Computational Analysis
PhD Thesis, Leiden University, November 2007