Imaging & BioInformatics

1992 - 1995

Verbeek, F.J. (1995).
Three dimensional reconstruction from serial sections including deformation correction
Thesis, Delft University of Technology; Delft 1995

Verbeek, F.J., Huijsmans, D.P., Baeten, R.W.A.M., Schoutsen, C.M., and Lamers, W.H. (1995).
Design and implementation of a program for 3D-reconstruction from serial sections; a data-driven approach.
Microscopy Research and Technique 30, 496-512.

Smith, A., Connell, M.G., Jackson, M., Verbeek, F.J., and Anderson, R.H. (1994).
Atrioventricular conduction system in hearts with muscular ventricular septal defects in the setting of complete transposition.
J.Thorac.Cardiovasc.Surg. 108, 9-16.

Wagenaar, G.T., Moorman, A.F.M., Chamuleau, R.A.F.M., Deutz, N.E.P., de Gier, C., de Boer, P.A.J., Verbeek, F.J., and Lamers, W.H. (1994).
Vascular branching pattern and zonation of gene-experession in the mammalian liver; a comparative study in rat, mouse, cynomolgus monkey, and pig.
Anatomical Record 239, 441-452.

Manders, E.M.M., Verbeek, F.J., and Aten, J.A. (1993).
Measurement of co-localisation of objects in dual colour confocal images.
J.Microscopy 169, 375-382.

Verbeek, F. J. and Mullikin, J. C. (1993)
Extraction of Shape Features from the Vector Distance Transform.
Proc. Int. Conf. Volume Image Processing., 149-151

Verbeek, F.J., de Groot, M.M., Huijsmans, D.P., Lamers, W.H., and Young, I.T. (1993).
3D BASE: A geometrical database system for the analysis and visualisation of 3D shapes obtained from parallel serial sections including three different geometrical representations.
Computerised Medical Imaging and Graphics 17, 151-163.

Verbeek, F. J. (1992)
Deformation correction using Euclidean contour distance maps.
IEEE Comp.Soc.Press, Proceedings 11th Int.Conf.on Pattern Recognition 3, 347-351.

Lamers, W.H., Wessels, A., Verbeek, F.J., Moorman, A.F.M., Viragh, S., Wenink, A.C.G., Gittenberger-de Groot, A.C., and Anderson, R.H. (1992).
New findings concerning ventricular septation in the human heart - their implications for maldevelopment.
Circulation 86, 1194-1205.

Wessels, A., Vermeulen, J.L., Verbeek, F.J., Viragh, S., Kalman, F., Lamers, W.H., and Moorman, A.F. (1992).
Spatial distribution of "tissue-specific" antigens in the developing human heart and skeletal muscle. III. An immunohistochemical analysis of the distribution of the neural tissue antigen G1N2 in the embryonic heart; implications for the development of the atrioventricular conduction system.
Anatomical Record 232, 97-111.